The PowerPlane Total Fitness Platform review by Mark Nash, D.C.
Hello Alexander:
I wanted to thank you for the exercise bench/platform you provided a few months ago. It has been interesting to experiment with the exercises you recommended and with a few that I have developed with your device.
In College I played football, wrestled, and played rugby in graduate school. I was trained as a Special Forces solider and my degree is in Chiropractic. As a Chiropractor, I have continued to be interested in health and fitness, so my interest in your bench/platform is sincere.
It is clear that core strength is one of the newest areas of focus in the exercise and fitness fields and it is about time. Core strength is, in my professional opinion, far more important that peripheral strength. It is the foundation on which out physical existence depends.
Your platform is a sure tool for the advancement of core fitness and strength. It is simple to use and permits the novice and expert to get a challenging and fun workout.
One exercise that I have found useful is to perform extended pushups with hands on the balance platform and do the same with feet on the platform.
By extended pushups, I am referring to pushaps with arms extended over head. They focus on back muscles and the added need to balance multiplies the effectiveness 3 or 4 times over. Another exercise I have enjoyed, although it takes lots of practice, is 1 legged full squat. With one leg extended to the front, the other leg is used to stand. By adding balance to this exercise, the increased difficulty is magnified as are the benefits. It can be done with resistance bands, if one is strong enough.
A third exercise that is great is to do back bridges with feet on the platform and turn and do them with hands/head on the platform. Again, a great exercise by itself, but multiple times greater on your bench/platform.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to be included among those who have had the opportunity to utilize your exercise bench/platform and I hope you have wonderful success marketing it. It knows it will be helpful to the fitness and health of those who use it.
Kind regards,
Mark Nash, D.C.